Social Impact Projects

The digital economy is rapidly transforming the employment landscape across industries. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to prepare young people worldwide for the future of work in the digital economy.
As a social business, AmaliTech aspires to create a positive social impact by offering a variety of free training programmes and implementing additional social projects to equip youth in Sub-Sahara Africa with digital skills to help improve their employability in today’s digital economy and to create career opportunities for them. As AmaliTech’s corporate social responsibility (CSR), we have been focusing on social projects that specifically encourage disadvantaged groups to join the tech space.

As a social business, AmaliTech aspires to create a positive social impact by offering a variety of free training programmes and implementing additional social projects to equip youth in Sub-Sahara Africa with digital skills to prepare them for the future of work.

Closing Gender Gap In IT
Girls & Women in Tech

AmaliTech strives to close the skills and gender gaps in ICT by actively fostering young African women and by creating digital career opportunities for them. This begins with awareness campaigns to encourage young women and girls in Ghana and Rwanda to explore and venture into information technology, software engineering and related areas of expertise, and continues with holding women-only bootcamps and continuous mentoring during training and on-the-job.

Coding for Kids logo
Coding for Kids

In light of advancing digital literacy, AmaliTech is convinced that equipping kids at early ages with digital skills and setting them on the right path toward technological exploration is vital for their future careers.

Coding for Kids, also known as C4K, is an initiative born in 2021 in collaboration with SOS Children’s Villages, Ghana. The project is tailored purposely to provide digital skills training in primary coding languages to children between the ages of 9 and 14 years. In the meantime, the program has been rolled out to selected public and private schools in Ghana and Rwanda.



Teens Code Ghana Boot Camps

Portrait of Francis Senyo Addey (SOS ICT Teacher, Eastern Region)

Francis Senyo Addey

(SOS ICT Teacher, Eastern Region)
Women Code Ghana Bootcamp

Programming involves critical thinking and creativity that help solve real-life problems. Hermann Gmeiner School, Asiakwa, is privileged to be on board the Coding for Kids (C4K) programme rolled out in our schools, in partnership with AmaliTech. Through this programme, students enthusiastically explore the field of programming as they build simple game applications. The joy and sense of happiness the kids get as a result of being able to create such simple computer games is beyond imagination. Such enthusiasm is what the kids need in becoming world- class programmers.

Portrait of Francis Senyo Addey (SOS ICT Teacher, Eastern Region)

Francis Senyo Addey

(SOS ICT Teacher, Eastern Region)
Local Community Support
  • AmaliTech commissioned a borehole and water pump for the Takoradi Technical University (TTU) to help address the challenge of water shortage in the institution, which is vital for smooth academic work.
  • AmaliTech Donates Laptops To School For Persons With Intellectual Disabilities

Find out more about our social impact projects through our CSR Report